Student Council
At Kwis Elementary, we want our students to have the opportunity to show leadership and contribute to making our school a better place. Any of our fourth and fifth graders can campaign and run for one of the four different positions. Our Student Council consists of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
What does it take to be part of Student Council?
- You must follow the Kwis Expectations: Being Responsible, Being Respectful, Being Safe, AND BE KIND!
- You must be recommended by your teacher; You must have good grades and attendance
- You must show creativity, leadership and dedication
- You must be willing to sacrifice your lunch time to attend ALL meetings (you are allowed to eat your lunch during the meetings)
- You must be brave enough to speak in front of a large audience (sometimes in front of the whole school)
Who can I speak to if I have any questions regarding Student Council?
- You can email or talk to Mrs. Chumacero (Facilitator) or Mrs. Terrazas (Principal)
What if I am not interested in any of the four position but would like to be a leader for my class?
- All 4th and 5th grade teachers will also be nominating twostudents from each of the classes to be the Class Representatives to attend all Student Council meetings. The Class Representatives will be expected to inform their classes about upcoming events and be ready to assist the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Mrs. Chumacero, and/or Mrs. Terrazas.