Student Support and Intervention
We believe that all students will be successful when given the right amount of support. Every student is different and we focus on the individual needs of each child. Our academic intervention model is based on a 3 tier approach. Our staff universally screens our students to determine the type of interventions they will need.
Tier 1 (All students)
- Direct instruction
- Differentiated instructional strategies
- Small group instruction
- Reteaching
- Students highly engaged in lessons
- Well managed classrooms
- Accelerated Reader
Tier 2 (Some students)
- After school extended learning
- Pull-out academic intervention during the school day
- iStation reading intervention program
- Student Success Team meetings
Tier 3 (Few students)
- Educational Assessments
- Specialized Academic instruction
- Referral to specialize programs/schools
- Individualized Educational Plans